As a human resource professional, one task is to make sure that applicants for sensitive positions go through a background screening. For certain occupations, these are the conditions of employment, if not passed the job offer is rescinded. The background checks can be more in-depth than others, but as rule jobs that require an employee to carry a firearm, transport, ship or receive ammunition must undergo a background check. For this background check, employers are looking for felonies. I hope that this article will have HR professionals additionally look for any instances of domestic violence to ensure compliance with the Lautenberg Amendment. Most HR professionals don’t have the knowledge of this law. This places their organization’s brand in a situation of harm. This could charge the employee with a felony, resulting in an adverse action for their entire lifetime.
         The Lautenberg Amendment to the Gun Control Act of 1968, makes it unlawful for a person that has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence to ship, transport, possess, or receive firearms or ammunition. The Lautenberg Amendment was added in 1996 to the Gun Control Act of 1968. Soon after challenges to the new law’s constitutionality were mounted. The efforts of several gun lobbyists and national groups to strike down the ban on the grounds that it infringes on citizens second amendment rights were not enough to stop the bill becoming law on September 30, 1996. 

        Human resource professionals, especially recruiters should have knowledge of the Lautenberg Amendment. Recruiters, who work in staffing agencies should be aware that negligence could harm not just your organization both the organization you are hiring for as well. I will use the case Kathi Herren of Novi, Michigan. Kathi stuck her child in discipline. She was convicted by a jury of slapping her 14-year-old daughter. Kathi was given 2 years of probation and did not have to serve anytime in jail. Due to the State of Michigan’s Child Abuse Law, a parent can be charged with a misdemeanor. This misdemeanor, will, in fact, violate the Lautenberg Amendment. So for Kathi, if she was given a position the transported ammunition, she could be charged with a felony. Despite all appeals by an employer.

   Having knowledge of the Lautenberg Amendment allows HR Professionals to best serve the organization and the employees. As professionals learning never stops, this is what makes a professional a professional

  By Simon Campbell 
